5 Feb 2013

Another hectic month...

My schedule for the love month is again, fully loaded! It's just like DECEMBER again! My weekdays will be occupied by tons of reports but I'll definitely make time for some fun runs on weekend.

And oh, my Condura 21k Skyway Run experience will be posted sometime this week... apologies for the delay though... *_*

Sometimes, I just want to fly away...

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE TOP 3 Pinoys who dominated 2013 CONDURA SKYWAY MARATHON in less than 3 hours!

1  Erinio Raquin  02:38:38 

2  Elmer Sabal    02:43:38

3  Rene Desuyo  02:48:02

YES folks! You've read it right! They completed 42k in less than 3 hours!! Superb!!

23 Jan 2013

Finally, the most awaited event: SWIMBIKERUN.ph Tri Series 2013 | Aquathlon | Duathlon | Triathlon

Start the year right and get ready for the inauguralSWIMBIKERUN.ph Tri Series! Be part of SBR.ph’s history and SWIM, BIKE, and RUN with us!


What is the SWIMBIKERUN.ph Tri Series?

The SBR.ph Tri Series is a 3 stage multisport series designed to be easy enough for newbies yet challenging enough even for the seasoned triathlete.  It is the first ever race series organized by SWIMBIKERUN.ph and will surely be the first in the Philippines in a lot of other things!

Why an Aquathlon, a Duathlon, and then a Triathlon?

“Slowly but surely”. We made the series a 3 stage event because we want everyone to experience the whole multisport journey. Multisport is not just about triathlon. It also has other events like the aquathlon and the duathlon which are also challenging events in their own right.

When are the races and what are the distances?

Here are the new schedules of the SWIMBIKERUN.ph Tri Series 2013
Aquathlon | Aquaman
800m swim / 5k run
March 17, 2013
Venue : UP Diliman
Duathlon | Duaman
3k run / 20k bike / 3k run
April 21, 2013
Venue : Nuvali
Triathlon | Triman
1k swim / 25k bike / 5k run
May 26, 2013
Venue : Ayala Alabang

Are those race names real?!

Yep! Prepare to be called an Aquaman, a Duaman, and a Triman after crossing the finish line of each stage ;)

Why are they in color and what’s up for grabs?

SBR.ph Tri Series 2013 Medals
SBR.ph Tri Series 2013 Finisher Shirts
For every stage, all finishers will receive a custom Aquaman, Duaman, and a Triman shirt and medal.  Collectors item? You betcha! Complete all three and you’ll also receive a limited edition 3-fecta reward. :) We’ll post a sample of that really soon!

Is the SBR.ph Tri Series only for newbies?

Definitely not. We designed the distances to be the perfect break in period/speed session for seasoned triathletes as well. We need to train too! :)

Ok, now for the more important stuff, how much and where can I register?

Registration fee for the Aquaman, Duaman, and Triman is Php 1,200. Inclusive of finisher shirt, medal, timing chip, and other goodies from our sponsors. Register for all three (Tri-pack) for only Php 3,000! A 200 pesos discount per event! Cool eh? :)

Registration Procedures :

You have 2 ways to register
1. Via official registration centers:
Second Wind Running Store (Ortigas, Greenhills, Quezon City)
The Brick Multisport Store (Mc Kinley Hill)
The Starting Line (Westgate, Alabang)
2. Online via SWIMBIKERUN.ph
Online Registration Steps
1. DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION FORM (Click the link to download registration form)
2. Deposit payment to :
Carlos de Guzman
Bank of the Philippine Islands
3. Send completed registration form along with the deposit slip (with your name) to admin@swimbikerun.ph
4. Keep a copy of the completed registration form and the deposit slip for safekeeping.

SWIMBIKERUN.ph Tri Series 2013
• Aquaman Aquathlon | 800m Swim – 5k Run | UP Diliman
• Duaman Duathlon | 3k Run – 20km Bike – 3km Run | Nuvali
• Triman Triathlon | 1km Swim – 30km Bike – 5km Run | Ayala Alabang
Registration Fees:
Aquaman | Duaman | Triman
Php 1,200
Tripack (Aquaman, Duaman, Triman Package)
Php 3,000
Entry is non-refundable, non-transferable and non-applicable
to future races. Race numbers are non-transferable.
Top 3 Overall Male / Female
Php 5,000, Php 3,000, Php 1,000 and trophies respectively
Male Age Categories
• Trophies for Top 3 16~19 yrs, 20~24, 25~29, 30~34,35~39,
40~44, 45~49, 50 & over
Female Age Categories
• Trophies for Top 3 16~19 yrs, 20~24, 25~29, 30~34,35~39,
40~44, 45~49, 50 & over
Finisher shirt and medal for all participants.
Refreshments before, during, and after the race.
Other reminders:

For more info, please visit SwimBikeRun.ph

21 Jan 2013

My post morning run concoction: strawberry, celery, mango with yogurt smoothie

Why include celery?

For one, I wanted a different taste for my smoothie. I always include greens when blending fruit smoothies.

Other reasons are as follows:

Celery is rich in sodium, which is very different to table salt. Normal table salt is composed of insoluble inorganic compounds which lead to the development of varicose veins, hardening of the arteries and other ailments. If salt, including sea salt is white, then it has been processed and all minerals and nutrients have been destroyed.

On the other hand, the sodium that is available in celery is soluble and organic (live), and is essential for the body. Organic salt allows the body to use the other nutrients that are taken into the body. Every cell in our body is constantly bathed in a salt solution, and if the salt level is not in balance, dehydration occurs. This is why celery juice is a perfect rehydration drink for athletes.

Other Benefits of Celery Juice

Fights Cancer - Celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer compounds. A study at Rutgers University of New Jersey found that celery contains a number of compounds that help prevent cancer cells from spreading. Celery contains compounds called acetylenics and this compound has been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Celery contains other compounds called phonolic acids that block the action of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins, which encourage the growth of tumor cells. Coumarins, another phytonutrient in celery helps prevent free-radicals from damaging cells and prevent the formation and development of the colon and stomach cancers.

Lowers Cholesterol - Laboratory studies also indicate that butyl phthalide, a chemical in celery, may help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. According to researchers at the University of Chicago, celery reduces cholesterol levels by as much as 7 points with as little as 2 stalks a day. Celery also aids in increasing bile acid secretion which helps to remove cholesterol from the body.

Aids in Digestion - Special nutrients in the fiber are released during juicing that aid bowel movements. This makes celery a natural laxative that helps to relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been overworked by man-made laxatives.

Diuretic - The potassium and sodium in celery juice are powerful body fluid regulators that stimulate urine production to help rid the body of excess fluid.

Anti Inflammatory - The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing relief for all inflammation including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis. A study published in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Science U.S.A found that another powerful phytonutrient called luteolin prevents activation of a pathway that allows inflammation in the brain to get switched on. Luteolin also inhibits the excess production of TNF-alpha, a direct cause of inflammation. Juice is the most efficient and nutritious way to eat celery, and people who have these conditions can drink as much juice as desired without overdosing.

Lower blood pressure - Celery's potential for reducing high blood pressure has long been recognized by Chinese medicine. Studies show that drinking celery juice every day for 1 week can significantly help lower blood pressure. A compound called phtalides helps relax the muscles around the arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow smoothly. Pthalides also reduce stress hormones, one of whose effects is to cause blood vessels to constrict. When researchers injected 3-n-butyl phthalide derived from celery into laboratory animals, the animals' blood pressure dropped 12 to 14 percent. Celery amazingly doesn't lower blood pressure which is already low.

Insomnia - The minerals and essential oils in celery juice have a calming effect on the nervous system, making it beneficial for insomniacs. Its high magnesium levels help people to relax into a soothing and restful sleep.

Weight loss - Drinking celery juice frequently throughout the day helps curb cravings for sweet. It is filling without putting any extra pounds on.

Elimination and Prevention of stones - Celery juice is an amazing eliminator of toxins from the body, which aids in the breaking and elimination of urinary and gall bladder stones. This lovely juice helps those who have suffered from stones from getting them again.

Increased Sexuality - Celery juice is beneficial for weak sexuality, yet doesn't cause an uncontrollable urge as some pharmaceutical drugs do. Celery balances the system rather than increasing it.

Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/024596_celery_juicing.html#ixzz2IewRV9Xl

16 Jan 2013

PSE Bull Run 2013

January 13, 2013 marked my 3rd official 10k run. 1st was on Adidas KOTR held last September 30, 2012 and 2nd was Rip the Road held last November 25, 2012. 

Kudos to Strider for a successful event and for keeping the runners well-hydrated!:-)
Kalayaan flyover route was quite a shock (only because I didn't bother to look at the race map prior to the event!) but on the brighter side, it's a good prep for Condura Skyway Marathon on February 3, 2013. I got my PSE race kit for free - thanks to my friend JB who covered the event for Running Photographers

I didn't beat my 1hr 37mins PR, ended with 1hr 40mins (due to pee break) but all in all, I'm still happy because I feel good and less tired (it might be the compression socks that I wore during the run). 

On the first few mins of the race, I've thought about giving up. Same thought that crossed my mind during Adidas and Rip the Road. But I chose to move forward, to continue and complete the race. It was never a regret because there's this rewarding feeling once you cross the finish line that'll keep you coming back for more. Addictive it is! You'll be more inspired to complete more races.

Best part of the race was when we're at Kalayaan flyover, the point where 10k runners meet up with 21k runners - everyone was gleeful, the 21kers were smiling all-out and cheering for us. Pretty sure it's the happy hormones talking but the encounter was positively uplifting, definitely motivating!

On Monday, I just found out the sad, unfortunate death of Sigue Correr President Romel Defeo who collapsed 4km away from the finish line due to hypokalemia. 

Here's the update from the group's FB page:

Cardiac Arrest due to Hypokalemia is the cause of death of our beloved President Romel Defeo. This is according to the people who tried to revive Kuya RD and the credit goes to Ace of Red Cross Manila, Dr. Jun - Cardiologist from Asian, Sir Stew, UST ER Staff Nurse and Dr Nina Beltran from Lung Center. According to Dr. Beltran "I wish we could have done more. I hoped we could have saved him. For the race organizers, I hope from now on doctors should be on site during races and not just medics. Few minutes of intervention is critical for saving lives. I am thankful for Makati Rescue for providing AED and adequate meds. I just wish the laryngoscope was working (i'm still beating myself up for not being able to intubate on time). I wish i had a flashlight. I wish I ran faster so I could have helped him a little earlier (5mins of arrest before I got to him) For fellow runners, it's always best to know your body and run safe. I pray for R D. I pray that this will be a reminder for all of us.
We thank all people who helped and assisted our teammate. We appreciate all the people of running community.
Hypokalemia is a condition of below normal levels of potassium in the blood serum. Potassium, a necessary electrolyte, facilitates nerve impulse conduction and the contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, including the heart. It also facilitates cell membrane function and proper enzyme activity.

My 4km run this coming Sunday will be dedicated to our fallen brother in the running community. I don't know Romel personally but I'd like to extend my heartfelt sympathy to his family and friends for this difficult loss. 

20 Nov 2012

Sports + Social Network

If you're into getting fit and enjoys social network, might as well check out TRIBESPORTS - it just keeps challenging and definitely will make you do more sports!

Site statement:

We’re going to make a bold statement. We believe that Tribesports will make you do more sports.

Whether you’re a novice or a pro, we think seeing your friends sports activity, and sharing yours will make you want to be more active and do more sports.

We think that you are probably sportier than you think you are, and maybe just sometimes you need that nudge to get out there to exercise.

Some of the reasons we think by using Tribesports, you’ll do more sports:
- Seeing your friends’ sports activity motivates you to get out there and do sport. Seeing other people exercise is contagious - it’s a bug that will hook you and make you want to do it too.
- Getting encouragment and advice from sports people like you is reassuring, its addictive, and it makes you want to do more.
- Taking Challenges in a supportive, friendly competitive environment helps you keep motivated and pushes you to try new things.
- Telling someone you’re going to do something by hitting the Challenge take button provides that bit ofaccountability that will see you succeed with it.
- The fun of sharing advice with sports people around the world is incredibly rewarding, and keeps you wanting to grow your knowledge by trying new sports, and pushing yourself a little more than you would otherwise. 

Sports is addictive - by making it part of your life and lifestyle, we think you’ll be fitter, happier and healthier. You might live longer, you might get that promotion, or new job. You might get that second date. Who knows. One thing we guarantee is throwing yourself into the addiction of doing more sports is never ever a bad thing.

All I can say is, burning calories has never been this fun and motivating! Let's keep challenging ourselves!

18 Nov 2012

Digital Perm Face Off: Tony & Jackey vs. Azure Salon

Yesterday marked my 2nd digital hair perm at Azure Salon. Except for the color, it's pretty much the same hair style as last year when I had my hair done at Tony & Jackey. I do fancy curly hair than my naturally straight hair because it gives body and volume.

Perhaps, a lot of you are still not sure about trying hair digital perming, I've thought to share my "hairventures" so that once you decided to get your hair done, y'all know where to go. :-) Disclaimer: I'm in  no way connected/affiliated  with the salons mentioned.

I'm a late bloomer when it comes to hair styling. (I'd also say a late bloomer into pretty much everything! haha!). I was afraid to try new things on my hair because I wasn't sure how I'm gonna look like or if it will even suit me. The wake up call happened when I was browsing my pictures way back from high school to college to my first job, my second job..... and I noticed I looked all the same. My hair looks all the same! Stagnant. Boring. Flat. I was disappointed for not trying anything. Actually, it was more of a regret. On the brighter side, realization came that IT's NEVER TOO LATE! 

Digital Perm: What is it and how does it differ from normal perm?
Source: Wikipedia

digital perm is a perm that uses hot rods with the temperature regulated by a machine with a digital display, hence the name.[1] The process is otherwise similar to that of a traditional perm. The name "digital perm" is copyrighted by a Japanese company, Paimore Co.[2] Hairstylists usually call it a "hot perm."
A normal perm basically requires only the perm solution. A digital perm requires a (different) solution plus heat. This type of perm is popular in several countries, including South Korea and Japan.
The biggest difference between other perms and a digital perm is the shape and the texture of the wave created by the digital process. A normal perm, or "cold perm," makes the wave most prominent when the hair is wet, and loose when it is dry. The hair tends to look moist and as locks. A digital perm makes the wave most prominent when the hair is dry, and loose when it is wet. Therefore you can create the dry and curly look of the curl iron or the hot curler.
Digital perms thermally recondition the hair, though the chemicals and processing are similar to a straight perm. The hair often feels softer, smoother, and shinier after a digital perm.

Where to get your hair done?
Many salons in the metro are now offering hair digi perm service. So far, I have tried Tony & Jackey (March 2011) and Azure Salon (November 2012). 
Depending on the length of your hair, it can take 2-4 hours to have it done, 5 hours if you'll include hair color service. In terms of digital perm process, there isn't really any difference. Both salons uses the same machine and technique.

Tony & Jackey: 3,000 - 6,000 (Regular price of 6,000 for L'oreal product, haircut not included)
Tip: Once a year, they offer digi perm package that includes hair cut, hair color & keratin treatment.
Azure Salon: 3,000 - 6,000 (includes hair cut) + 2,000 for full hair color (extra long) 
Tip: check out pinoypresyo.com or metrodeal or ensogo as price for digi perm service can go down as low as P999. 

Both salons are staffed with professional hairstylists. The difference is on the service. Decide which you prefer the most:

- male & female Korean, professional stylists
- most of the time, their assistants are the ones who communicates with you
- proactively offers T&J hair care/maintenance products after the service 
Satisfaction Rate: 89%

- mostly male professional stylists
- friendly and accommodating; always assists their clients with big smile no matter how busy they get
- makes connection; they ask which hairstyle you prefer and offers great suggestions 
Satisfaction Rate: 100%

Point of comparison: I added my rebonded hair photo to completely show the difference (like how wavy/curly it gets post digi perm service). 

Tip: curls totally stand out (especially on photos) if you get it done with color treatment as well.

Curls can last 6-9 months, though stylists said that it varies on hair types. Mine lasted a year! :-) 

Rebonded (I forgot where!) vs. Tony & Jackey Digi Perm vs. Azure Digi Perm with hair color service.

Tony & Jackey
Stylist: Seven
3rd Level, Annex Bldg., SM City North EDSA
North Avenue corner EDSA, Quezon City
Contact #: 441-1374

Azure Salon
Stylist: Harry
Assistant: Bernard 
Unit C&D Alcal Bldg, Katipunan Ave.
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
(right beside McDonald's)
Contact # 9290224; 09278717756

14 Nov 2012

Work in progress

I've been planning to start my own blog for like 3 or 4 years now, but I simply can't get my mind straight on which topic I'm gonna focus on. My interest ranges from food, photography, travel, clothing, beauty products, gadgets, etc... I wanted to tackle pretty much anything under the sun! Believe me, I tried to create a blog which focuses into something specific rather than general, but then I find myself not being productive (blogging wise!) 
So, I have decided to just go with the flow (of my mind). I'll just post whatever I'm into and hope that my future readers can somewhat find sense on it.